Tales From the Georgian City: Domestic Life and Shopping in York during the Eighteenth Century
The agenda and the annual accounts to 31st December 2015 will be available at the meeting. There will be an item on the agenda for the election of officers and new committee members. Existing committee members are offering themselves for re-election to the posts of Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Events Secretary and committee member. David Yates has been proposed as Newsletter Editor, in addition to his duties as Secretary, following the retirement of Gerry Webb.
Nominations for all these posts are invited, in writing please, proposed and seconded with the confirmation of the nominee, to David Yates, Membership Secretary, 12A Meadow Way, Heworth, York YO31 1EQ, no later than 20th March 2016.
The formal proceedings of the Annual General Meeting will be followed by a talk by Matt Jenkins of the University of York on ‘Tales From the Georgian City: Domestic Life and Shopping in York during the Eighteenth Century’.
Coffee or tea and biscuits will be available from 1.30pm.