Friends of Fairfax House

Churches Tour

Friends of Fairfax House Event

At the end of the churches tour in September last year somebody said to us, “Go west, young man, go west” so this year we are.

Starting at Bolton Percy with its exquisite stained glass known to Andrew Marvel who was tutor to General Fairfax’s family in 1650.

Next we head off to Tadcaster which was devastated by a huge flood in the 1860s and was raised by 4 feet to prevent the same happening again.

We will be finishing at the chapel at Hazelwood castle which is accessed by the public rooms of the hotel and where they have agreed to give us afternoon tea.

Led by our inimitable Dr Jane Crease it will be an afternoon of contrasts.

Click here to book your tickets.

Meet at Bolton Percy, outside the church.

You must be a Friend of Fairfax House to attend this event. If you’re interested in becoming a Friend you can join at the front desk of Fairfax House.



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Wednesday 20 Sep 2023


Bolton Percy


Friends of Fairfax House